Notice of Pesticide Application

Post date: Jun 20, 2019 3:29:30 AM

Notice to all residence of Lexington

A pesticide application will take place on 20th June 2018

Full name of pesticide product: Crackdown, Biflex Aqua, Generation 1st Strike Rodenticide (or as per lift notice)

The pesticide is used to treat: Cockroaches and Rodents

The pesticide will be applied to: Common Areas - All garbage areas, Foyers, BBQ Area, Exterior foyers, Car parks, Gym Amenities

Re-entry periods: No re-entry restrictions (or as per lift notice)

The pesticide is being applied by: Bugs Be Gone Pest Control, contactable on (02) 9863 5493 or mobile 0411 700 422

Information about this notice: Under the Pesticide Regulation 2009, residence in multiple occupancy residential complexes must be given notice while a pesticide is being