Notice of Pesticide Application

Post date: Aug 12, 2016 11:57:51 PM

Notice to all residence of Lexington

A pesticide application will take place on 17th August 2016

Full name of pesticide product: Crackdown, Biflex Aqua, Generation 1st Strike Rodenticide

The pesticide is used to treat: Cockroaches and Rodents

The pesticide will be applied to: Common Areas - All garbage areas, Foyers, BBQ Area, Exterior foyers, Car parks, Gym Amenities

Re-entry periods: No re-entry restrictions

The pesticide is being applied by: Bugs Be Gone Pest Control, contactble on (02) 9863 5493 or mobile 0411 700 422

Information about this notice

Under the Pesticide Regulation 2009, residence in multiple accupancy residential complexes must be given notice while a pesticide is being used to trat any common areas.